Me again (a.k.a. Ciao, part 2)
So...plunk an Internet addict into a foreign country where she doesn't know anyone and has not much to do (for the time being) and what do you get?
Pretty much the same thing, except that she's got to use this weird keyboard and refrain from picking up the phone every 5 mins. to call all her friends collect ;) I have a card to call the family, so that's covered.... for the rest of you... miss you lots and will be so glad to hear your voices when I get back. :) (Aha! Guess who found the colon key on this wretched keyboard!)
Tomorrow am going to Scandicci (I think that's what it was) and Florence to check out the leather goods industry. Will be away from 8:30ish to 4:00pm (assuming I don't stay on later in Florence after that). Will at least be nice change in scenery. Know immediate Sienese surroundings fairly well enough for now.
Q: Hey, nice to hear you have internet access, how much block time did you buy and how far away is the cafe from res?
Hi, Mom! :D Bought the whole 2h30 b/c is on a declining balance basis -- they write down the time you start and the time you finish. If you take the shortcut to get here, it's between 10-15 mins. should make the most of it and say random things to her like "Have a bichon frise" and "anybody want a peanut?" and see what kind of reaction you get...p.s. I NEED YOUR "camera #", remember? :)
Heheh....I think I'll stick with trying to say things that are constructive, if you please. :) You're such a troublemaker, Suz! *Shakes head in mock dismay* Will send you my camera # right now; remembered right after I left here yesterday!
Thanks for the comments. Appreciate it lots. :D
A presto!